Choking First AidIt is not unusual for children and infants to start choking. It could be food, a toy or a leaf placed in the mouth by an inquisitive toddler. Adults can also choke, usually because they didn’t chew their food properly. Your knowledge of choking First Aid can save someone life.

Choking is a life threatening situation and you should address it immediately.

If the person is coughing encourage them to cough. Often all it takes is that one big cough to dislodge the item and clear the airway. Do not apply blows to the back in this situation as it may make it worse.

However in the event the person is struggling to breath, changing colour or clutching their throat, you should take more drastic actions.

Send for help, have someone ring an ambulance 000, this is a life threatening situation.

Have the person lean forward slightly whether sitting or standing and administer a firm blow to the back between the shoulder blades using the palm of your hand – check to see if it dislodges the item and if the person is breathing.

If not administer a further 4 blows in the same manner checking after each blow.

If the object is still blocking the airways, administer 5 chest thrusts by applying firm thrusts to the centre of the chest using the heel of the palm of your hand. Checking after each thrust to see if the object is still there. If not repeat the process of 5 back blows followed by 5 chest thrusts until the airways are clear or until medical help arrives.

Where children and infants are choking, administer the same process. If the person collapses and or stops breathing follow the DRSABCD action plan and commence CPR.

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Remember, be prepared through a First Aid Course and act quickly in life threatening first aid situations. Always seek medical attention to prevent further harm and promote recovery.